A global growth community for leaders and coaches.
Become a member



LIFEdance Community brings together coaches, leaders and fellow journeyers with a commitment to facilitating transformation, to learn and grow together in a warm and intimate virtual space.

Our journey together has a map, yet the experience is emergent. We hold clear boundaries, and within them there is safety and freedom to explore, to discover, to seek, and to find. As a LIFEdancer, you contribute to the culture of the community and the calibre of the conversation. 

You may join weekly events live or enjoy the recordings in your own time. You can also participate in stimulating exchange on the private community forum, getting together with peers for co-coaching practice and mentoring, or sharing your work-in-development and receiving in-depth feedback.

Join Sara 'Zora' Boas on this journey of development and self-exploration. She shares what she knows, brings her own questions and invites you to contribute to the co-creation of LIFEdance Community.

Find the right membership to work on your development needs. 


Open to all

 Weekly Live Events

 Event Recordings

 Private Forum

Resource Library

Additional Webinars

Peer coaching opportunities

 Deep discounts on LIFEdance Academy courses and programs












$47 per month
$470 per year

LIFEdancer Plus

Limited places available

Monthly 1:1 sessions with a LIFEdance coach - individual coaching just for you!

Enjoy access to all the LIFEdance benefits 

 Weekly Live Events

 Event Recordings

 Private Forum

Resource Library

Additional Webinars

Peer coaching opportunities

 Deep discounts on LIFEdance Academy courses and programs


+  Twelve hours per year 1:1 coaching with a LIFEdance coach 

+  Invitation to peer mentoring group 


$347 per month
$3,970 per year

LIFEdancer Premium

Three places remaining

Monthly 1:1 sessions with Zora - individual coaching and mentoring just for you!

Enjoy access to all the LIFEdance benefits 

 Weekly Live Events

 Event Recordings

 Private Forum

Resource Library

Additional Webinars

 Peer coaching opportunities

 Deep discounts on LIFEdance Academy courses and programs


+  Twelve hours per year 1:1 coaching and mentoring with Zora 

+  Invitation to peer mentoring group 

 +  Exclusive 'Ask Me Anything' events with Zora

$1,947 per month
$470 per year
$3,470 per year
$19,470 per year

"When I joined LIFEdance Community, I knew that I would not be able to attend the live sessions because of the timing. So, I listen to the recordings in the train on my way to work. I find the sessions very enriching and supportive for my professional growth - and actually for my whole life!"

- Tamar Dolezal
   specialist in coaching, dance pedagogy, and political science

Do you pour skill, sensitivity, and the power of presence into your work, catalysing metamorphosis in your clients, colleagues and community… and yet know there is even more within you, that you long to give to our troubled, beautiful world?

Are you by nature hungry for learning and discovery?

Do you assume responsibility for your own growth, while supporting others with theirs?

Can you trust your resilience and resourcefulness, and use them to create emotional safety and financial security in times of change?

Are you willing to dwell in the space between knowing and unknowing?

And does your spirit soar when you discover kinship with your companions on this journey of discovery?


If your answer to any of these questions is a resounding yes,  we have a beautiful journey to share!

Please join me in co-creative conversation, worthwhile challenge, joyful learning, and personal and professional growth. 

Join LIFEdance Community

LIFEdance Community is designed to be enriching and add value, whatever your preferred way of learning and engaging. If you choose to, you can join live events every week throughout the year (there is a live event every Wednesday at 16.00 UK time, for 90 minutes, and starting 24th April 2024, an early live event at 09.30 UK time). If you prefer, you can watch or listen to the sessions at your leisure. Each theme recurs in a different week of the month, like this...

1st Wednesday

The Potency of Practice

These sessions focus on our practice in the here-and-now. We experiment and explore together, to awaken our potential, raise our standards, and keep our work alive, evolving and relevant. Free from stultifying convention, these sessions are filled with spontaneity, experiential learning, challenge and discovery. Those joining live may stay on for an optional 30-minute Open Studio.

2nd Wednesday

Money and Meaning

These sessions focus on our relationship with money and meaning. We identify and confront patterns that lead some people to generate financial wealth at the expense of their own deeper needs, while others listen to their heart’s song but do not prosper financially. These revealing sessions combine inside stories with mentoring, to provoke and promote real change in the ways we share our gifts with the world. 

3rd Wednesday

Coaching Lab

These sessions provide a here-and-now live coaching demonstration by Zora, followed by a facilitated debrief that delves into the fine details of the process we have witnessed. The experience is designed to support anyone, from a relative beginner to a seasoned expert, to engage in an exploration of what makes for world-class coaching. Those joining live may stay on for an optional 30-minute Open Studio.

4th Wednesday

Embodying Action

These sessions are an opportunity for members to connect with their inner wisdom, drawing inspiration from the ideas and approaches explored in previous LIFEdance Community circles throughout the month. In this co-creative space, LIFEdancers are invited to explore different ways for putting their learning into action. Those joining live may stay on for an optional 30-minute Open Studio.

5th Wednesday

LIFEdance Community Playspace

These sessions happen on fifth Wednesdays, providing LIFEdancers with a specific time and space to explore themes introduced in earlier weeks. The intention is to draw upon and further nourish the wisdom within LIFEdance Community, and to offer a playful space to apply and integrate your insights, learning and growth, month by month. Those joining live may stay on for an optional 30-minute Open Studio.

And there's more! Be the first to know about the upcoming LIFEdance events, webinars and training programs.

You may unsubscribe at any time.